Receptionist and Legal Assistant

Simran is a fourth-year student at Lakehead University, where she is pursuing an honors degree in Political Science and Pre-Law. She joined Edward Bell Jewitt LLP in March of 2023.

She is a co-founder and Vice-President of the Lakehead Law and Politics club. The club focuses on hosting events that allow for open debate and discussion of current legal and political news, hosting guest speakers from the legal and political world, and organizing events with the local law school to educate students on the process of applying.

Although school and work keep her busy, Simran enjoys giving back to the community by supporting causes which mean a great deal to her. Simran is a member of the Compass North Legal Team, a student led organization which provides health services and information sessions, to help meet the needs of underserved populations in Thunder Bay. She is also an executive member of Climate Justice Lakehead. The organization seeks to defund fossil fuel pipelines which harm both the environment and Indigenous communities, and spread awareness about environmental issues to the general public.

When she’s not studying for her classes or the LSATs, Simran enjoys baking, reading, and practicing martial arts. She also spends her free time volunteering at the St. Joseph’s Hospital Elder Life Program, where she can often be found chatting with clients over a cup of tea, or losing at a game of cribbage.